Produce Name:Lotus root
Origin:China, Shandong
Size:L size:diameter:6-7cm,thickness:7-9mm
M size:diameter:5-6cm,thickness:7-9mm
S size:diameter:4-5cm,thickness:7-9mm
Shape:whole or slice
Packing:10kg/plastic bag/carton box(standard)20kg/carton
Storage Temperature:0-3°C
Supply Period:All the year round Lotus is a herbaceous perennial aquatic plant belonging to Nelumbonaceae family. Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera. The rhizome is popular as ren kon (れんこん) in Japan and ǒu (藕) in the mainland China. Since centuries, lotus plant and its parts held high esteem in the far East societies, especially in the Chinese and Japanese cultures.
Lotus root grew as annual root vegetable crop in the customized ponds. Although it can be raised from seeds, commercially; its rhizomes with meristems (growing points) preferred for plantation, since it takes overall fewer days for crop production. Rhizome formation usually coincides with the appearance of large floating leaves on the surface of the water, about 5-6 months after its plantation.
Lotus root is one of the moderate calorie root vegetables. 100 g root-stem provides about 74 calories. Nevertheless, it composed of many health benefiting phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins.